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my direction of what I'll TL (edit)

Sup supsupausapsasususpsup how's its going, mah names pewww- ops wrong intro

I'm doing a fulltime up-to-date TL of What's a yandere? (expected to chase up to author soon)

but upon a request to at least finish up 1 chap of SMO i decided, yeah why not, since i already made a page for it, might as well give you guys a preview on what SMO is about, as I really liked it.

Then as I re-read SMO chap 1, i thought that the chapter didn't do SMO justice, as the interesting bit is more on chap 2, so I tried to do that as well. The horror, it's so freaking lengthy, i'll swear i could come out with 2 yandere's by the time i can finish half of SMO ch2

TLDR, what i'm going to do now is:
  1. continue completing all remaining chapters of yandere
  2. once yandere is up-to-date with the latest chap of the author, i'll then do mom-con, or SMO (im leaning twds mom-con,( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°), but tell me what you guys think? XD
  3. complete SMO ch 2
I changed the order of the stuff because I thought SMO was unique, but there was already a precedence (TNG), so i shall focus on Yand first.

Sorry to those who was expecting an update to SMO ch 2! It will be delayed!

edit 3: fuck it, i'll see how it goes

and lastly, thanks for wanting to read the tls that i've made, hey, if it is understandable to you guys then that means i've achieved my goal of being uhh, proficient to read chinese? 


  1. and now i'm off trying to slowly finish up smo 2 =3=

  2. I vote for mom con!

    By the way, great job so far!

  3. I vote for Mom-con too.
    I don't hate SMO though, it's just that I've read so many novels with Reincarnated RPG or Transported to a game world that I want to read something different (and I prefer yandere novels more).
    I don't mind if you consider to TL both as long as you give more preference to Mom-con.
    Also, thank you for the regular releases.

  4. I'm all for mom-com if there's yandere in that story

  5. Moar yandere novel i guess. I read to much reincarnation novel.

  6. MOM-COM PLEASE!!! Oh and thanks for the great updates on Yandere

  7. I vote for Mom-con cause who Doesn't like Yandere? They are just Crazy!


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